Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Keeping It Going

Seventeen days until we leave for our week's vacation on a Caribbean Cruise. Wow, time is flying. I have never cruised before so I am just a bit apprehensive about it. I'm hoping the weather is great for us. The weight that I put back on over the holidays is a bummer but I have been back on track this past week and hitting the gym so hopefully by the time we leave I'll be back or at least close to the weight I was in November. I start with a personal trainer tomorrow and I'm excited about it and at the same time I am scared! We'll see what happens, but, I am determined to stick to it. Yay!

We changed health insurance at the beginning of the year. It is such a hassle for me as I have Arthritis and see a Dr regularly as well as have a IV therapy every 8 weeks. I am due for my treatment next week so my fingers are crossed that my appointment today with the Rheumatologist goes smoothly and I get an appointment for next week for the treatment. If I can't get in before our cruise then I will have to deal with the extra pain. I'm keeping a positive attitude about this.

I'm glad that I am taking the time to take care of my health and to blog. Yay, an accomplishment! Keeping it going.

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