Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Back To Blond

Oh well, yes, I did try the dark hair for about 4-5 mos but I grew tired of it. It kept washing out and looking dingy so I went back to my old hairdresser in Ripon and she put me all back to normal. I love Gina cuz she just always knows what to do and what I like. So now I just have to drive an hour and a half to get my hair done every few months. That's perfectly fine though since my Mom, Dad, kids and grand kids all live in the area so I can visit too!

I really want to age with grace but it is so hard to see that I am not as young as I think I am. I am considering some botox or something and seriously considering a tummy tuck with a little breast lift to go with it. Ugh, what to do, what to do...


Sara said...

Keep the blond, ditch the surgeries. You're gorgeous. Don't change yourself. Please.

Christina said...

I'm with Sara, you look fabulous, you don't need surgery!

jae said...

I think you look wonderful as you are, but what matters most is how you feel. If you love yourself, are happy with who you are and realize that surgery isn't going to change who you are on the inside, then go for it if it will give you that extra umph! If you do decide on surgery just make sure it's something to compliment who you are already, and not something to help you define yourself.

Alicia said...

Love the hair, Linda. Blonde looks so good on you. Any color looks good on you, to be honest.

I'm not one to do them myself, but if a little lift and tuck will put an extra little skip in your step, go for it. As long as you don't go changing who you are, that's all that matters.

Anonymous said...

You look great with either hair color, but I gotta say, you are one hottie blondie!! Love it! And the bangs are super cute!
As for the other stuff, girl..I've seen you at a pool and you look fabulous! But..like some of the girls said, if a little something-something will make you feel good...you do what YOU want. Just know that there are tons of women who wish they had what you have already! :)